Add precision to healthcare and fight
against prostate cancer
Picotech, CERN spin-off founded in 2017 by 3 physicists from CERN and linked with InnoGEX, a certified incubator of CERN in France.
Picotech has developed a very precise technology for medical imaging. Picotech is focusing its efforts in the fight against prostate cancer as the first application of this innovative technology.
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Picotech project has been ranked first by INNOWWIDE. This call aims to bring European highly innovative SMEs to the forefront of international markets by prototyping and shaping a new and unique financial scheme (the “INNOWWIDE Call for proposals”) that w...
Successful packaging of the Pico2023 ASICde

Pico2023 is an ASIC, which is designed by Picotech and built in 0.18 μm CMOS using the XFab process. It is an ultra-fast 8 channel differential amplifier followed by a discriminator. Our ASIC is successfully packaged by QPtechnologies and is ready to be t...
Picotech presents ProVision scanner during the visit of Mme Yaël Braun-Pivet, President of French National Assembly, @CERN

Mme Yaël Braun-Pivet, President of the French National Assembly made an official visit to CERN. Picotech was invited to present ProVision and highlight the advantages of early detection of Prostate cancer....
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